Who can I call with questions about water service?
Weekdays from 7:00am-4:00pm, call (717) 291-4820.
Weekends, holidays and weekdays 4:00pm-7:00am, call (717) 291-4816.

What do I do if my meter is leaking?
The City of Lancaster is responsible for the meter only. The valves before and after the meter are the customer’s responsibility.

What do I do if water is bubbling up in the street or someone knocks over a fire hydrant?
To report the problem, call the Water Bureau emergency number, (717) 291-4816.

Who can answer questions about my bill?
Call Customer Service Monday-Friday, between 8:30am and 5:00pm at (717) 735-3425.

Why do I have low water pressure?
Check your pipes as old piping can cause low water pressure. Water main breaks can also cause temporary low water pressure that will be restored when the break is repaired.

Why don’t I have water?
There can be several reasons for the interruption in water service including: emergency repairs to a break in your area; your meter may be clogged or broken; termination of service due to non-payment; or someone may have a hydrant open in your area.

How long until my water is restored after a cracked or broken main?
The timing of this operation varies. There are many steps in the process to fix a water main break including locating and isolating the break, draining the pipe, digging to expose area, repair, disinfection and flushing the line. We are aware of the inconvenience of no water and work to restore service as quickly and safely as we can.

Why is my water brown or dirty?
Water discoloration is caused when the sediment in a pipe is stirred up due to a change in the pressure inside the pipe. Reasons for the drastic change in pressure range from a main break to a hydrant being open due to fire or vandalism.

Where does City water come from?
The Susquehanna River accounts for 60% while the Conestoga River accounts for 40% of water in the City of Lancaster.

Is fluoride added to City water?
Yes. Amounts range from 0.8 to 1.0 milligrams/liter (parts per million).

What is the hardness of the water?
Hardness in the north and western areas is 7-10 grains; east and southern sections receive 12-15 grains hardness.

I dislike the chlorine odor, can it be removed?
Yes. Chlorine odor can be removed by simply putting cold water in a container with no cap. Within 24 hours the chlorine will evaporate.

How frequently is City water tested?
Water is tested daily. City Lab technicians run approximately 32,000 chemical and bacteria tests a year. State and Federal drinking water regulations require city water to be tested more extensively than bottled water.